Common Threat Unites
Yes. When there is a common threat, everyone unites to fight against that threat. But on the other hand, when no common threat, then everyone "eat full nothing to do" (Chi Bao Mei Shi Zuo) and start creating problems for one another.Don't you agree that human beings cannot stay idle for too long? When everything goes well and life seems "ok", they need to create some excitements in their life ... like starting an affair for example or maybe start a war with somebody, be it their colleagues, neighbours, spouse, school mates, etc.
Let's say, when country A is in conflict with country B (actual war or war of words), the citizens of the whole country (for either country) will be united against the other country, regardless of race, religion, etc.. All the people will be united as one country, one family, one force. UNITED. Together we stand ....
But then when countries A and B are at peace, the citizens will find faults and create conflicts with one another in their own country!!!
Let's say the citizens of A country: People of the state / province of BEAR in the north might find problems and fight with people of the state / province of APE in the south. All the BEARers & northerners will be UNITED regardless of race and religion, to fight with the APErs & southeners.
But then when the states of BEAR and APE are at peace, the citizens of each state will find problems with one another in their own state and fight it out.
Let's say the citizens of the BEAR state / province: the different political parties will find problems and faults with one another and fight it out. Or the people of different religions will find fault with one another and go into conflict. Or maybe differences in race or skin colour is the reason for them to fight.
Wait!!! Even if there is no conflict between different countries, states / provinces, races, religions, etc. .... people still find problem with one another around them. Yes, the stupid neighbour, the stupid colleague, the stupid boss, the stupid driver on the road, the stupid customer, the stupid waiter, etc.
Yes, people "eat full, nothing to do", they look for trouble.
So, to save our fellow human beings from killing one another over such "trivial matters of their own illusions / agendas" ... we must start a war with OTHER PLANETS. That's right. Only when we fight with other planets, can ALL the people of this world be united as one race: the human race of the planet EARTH. UNITED :)
ps. QED!!! so easy, why no smart-alects with nuclear-physic doctorates ever thought of that?
ps. anybody know how I could nominate myself for a Nobel Peace prize?